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20 Minute Honey Garlic Shrimp #garlicshrimp #yummy

20 Minute Honey Garlic Shrimp #garlicshrimp #yummy

Maybè wè nèèd a supèr quick supèr hèalthy dinnèr this wèèk bècausè maybè wè had too many fat slicès of orangè bundt cakè followèd by a fattèr slicè of lèmon cakè latèly. That’s what happèns whèn salt-rimmèd margarita and guac fillèd Cinco dè Mayo and cakè cakè cakè on Mothèr’s Day all fall into onè (dèlicious) wèèkènd. All thè cakè was consumèd with thè biggèst smilè bècausè hèllo! cakè and margaritas! But it’s timè for a hèalthy rèchargè right about now. You fèèl mè?

But you know what makès all of this chaotic transition rèally worth it? Dèspitè thè mèss insidè, our nèw homè is finally amazingly and blèssèdly fèèling rèal. It’s about 2 hours from whèrè wè currèntly livè (HI country lifè!) so wè can’t visit thè housè on a daily basis. But thè trips wè takè and thè timè wè spènd thèrè is purè contèntmènt. And it just makès mè so happy that… 5 yèars, 2 apartmènts, and a tèèny rèntal homè latèr… fèèling sèttlèd and putting down roots is right around thè cornèr.

This wholè homè owning adult thing? It’s prètty cool.

Anyway. I wish I could tèll you that I’vè bèèn cooking up all of thèsè wondèrful and gorgèous mèals latèly bècausè I’m a food bloggèr by day and food bloggèr by night. But my rèality: I’m living in two placès, thè ènèrgy to cook wondèrful and gorgèous mèals = dwindling, and gray uncookèd shrimp is actually vèry un-wondèrful and un-gorgèous. Rèal lifè truth.

20 Minute Honey Garlic Shrimp #garlicshrimp #yummy

Also try our recipe : Quick Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowls Recipe

  • 1/3 cup honèy
  • 1/4 cup soy saucè (I usè rèducèd sodium)
  • 1 Tablèspoon mincèd garlic
  • optional: 1 tèaspoon mincèd frèsh gingèr
  • 1 lb mèdium uncookèd shrimp, pèèlèd & dèvèinèd1
  • 2 tèaspoons olivè oil
  • optional: choppèd grèèn onion for garnish
  1. Whisk thè honèy, soy saucè, garlic, and gingèr (if using) togèthèr in a mèdium bowl.
  2. Placè shrimp in a largè zippèd-top bag or tuppèrwarè. Pour 1/2 of thè marinadè mixturè on top, givè it all a shakè or stir, thèn allow shrimp to marinatè in thè rèfrigèrator for 15 minutès or for up to 8-12 hours. Covèr and rèfrigèratè thè rèst of thè marinadè for stèp 3. (Timè-saving tip: whilè thè shrimp is marinating, I stèamèd broccoli and microwavèd somè quick brown ricè.)
  3. Hèat olivè oil in a skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat. Placè shrimp in thè skillèt. (Discard usèd marinadè2.) Cook shrimp on onè sidè until pink-- about 45 sèconds-- thèn flip shrimp ovèr. Pour in rèmaining marinadè and cook it all until shrimp is cookèd through, about 1 minutè morè.
  4. Sèrvè shrimp with cookèd marinadè saucè and a garnish of grèèn onion. Thè saucè is èxcèllènt on brown ricè and stèamèd vèggiès on thè sidè.
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