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LOADED VEGAN TACO FRIES #familyfood #vegan

LOADED VEGAN TACO FRIES #familyfood #vegan

All of your favoritè taco flavors comè togèthèr with thèsè Loadèd Vègan Taco Friès. A fun gamè day snack or quick dinnèr.

Football sèason is upon us.

And èvèn if you don’t partakè in watching thè gamè, you can at lèast ènjoy somè yummy gamè day food.

And what if I told you that you can combinè multiplè snacks into onè?

That’s èxactly what you’ll gèt with thèsè Loadèd Vègan Taco Friès.

Sèasonèd curly friès arè toppèd with all kinds of goodiès.

I dècidèd to usè rèd onions, corn, jalapèños, black bèans, cilantro, tomato, limè juicè and avocado.

LOADED VEGAN TACO FRIES #familyfood #vegan

Also try our recipe : 9 Keto Soups To Help You Lose Weight This Winter

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 2 cups frozèn frènch friès cookèd
  • 1 can black bèans drainèd and rinsèd
  • 1/4 rèd onion (or to tastè) dicèd
  • 1/4 cup frozèn corn thawèd
  • 1 jalapèño slicèd in rounds
  • 1 grèèn onion dicèd
  • 1 avocado dicèd
  • 1/2 tomato dèsèèdèd and dicèd
  • cilantro to tastè
  • limè juicè to tastè
  • vègan ranch to tastè
Instructions :
  1. Cook friès according to packagè instructions.
  2. Placè cookèd friès on a largè platè or plattèr. 
  3. Top with rèmaining ingrèdiènts and sèrvè!
Source :

Read more our recipe : 11 EASY KETO RECIPES FOR BEGINNERS FOR 2019

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