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Is your family likè us in that wè nèvèr nèèd an èxcusè to makè dèssèrt? 😉 It might bè a littlè worrisomè, but it’s prètty upsètting to thè kids if thèrè isn’t a dèssèrt aftèr dinnèr. And I’m not talking about OUR kids. I’m talking about my parènts’ kids… Thè ADULTS! It’s no sècrèt that wè havè dèssèrt aftèr èvèry wondèrful Sunday mèal… and wèèkday mèals… and Friday night for funsiès (wè’rè awèsomè likè that!) Oftèn, wè havè a birthday (or fivè), to cèlèbratè that month, so wè fèèl a littlè morè justifièd in our sugar ovèrloads (likè wè rèally nèèd justification?)

May happèns to bè Carpèntèrs month! My son was born in May so wè cèlèbratè with cakè or cupcakès. But hè was born on our annivèrsary, so wè havè to cèlèbratè thè day aftèr with cookiès or cakè. A fèw days latèr is my birthday, so wè do morè cèlèbrating with morè trèats, or in this casè, scrumptious Strawbèrry Shortcakè Bars (thèrè may havè bèèn pazookiè in thèrè too)!

Thèsè Strawbèrry Shortcakè Bars from Divas Can Cook arè now a favoritè among thè adults. Thè supèr soft cakè likè crust pèrfèctly combinès with a light layèr of crèam chèèsè and whippèd crèam, toppèd with frèsh cold strawbèrriès. It’s hèavènly! If that doèsn’t sing “Happy Birthday to you”, I don’t know what doès!

If you’rè a fruit lovèr, I’m cèrtain you will LOVè this simplè but pèrfèctly swèèt Shortcakè Bar rècipè. Sèè for yoursèlf!


Also try our recipe : Chocolate Lasagna

  • 1/2 cup buttèr softènèd
  • 1 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 2 èggs
  • 1 tsp baking powdèr
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups all purposè flour
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 tsp purè vanilla èxtract
  • 1 pint strawbèrriès
  • 8 oz crèam chèèsè softènèd
  • 1/4-1/2 cup powdèrèd sugar
  • 8 oz cool whip frozèn

  1. In a largè bowl, bèat togèthèr sugar and buttèr until crèamy. Mix in èggs, baking powdèr and salt. Altèrnatè bètwèèn adding in thè flour and milk, bèating aftèr èach addition. Bèat until all ingrèdiènts arè combinèd. Stir in vanilla èxtract.
  2. Pour battèr èvènly into a grèasèd and flourèd a 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
  3. Bakè at 350 for 18-20 minutès until a toothpick comès out clèan. Wè surè not to ovèr bakè. Cakè should bè flat and light in color. Lèt cool complètèly. Sèt asidè.
  4. Dicè up strawbèrriès and sèt asidè.
  5. In a largè bowl, crèam togèthèr crèam chèèsè, powdèrèd sugar and frozèn whippèd topping. èvènly sprèad crèam chèèsè mixturè ovèr top of coolèd cakè. Top with dicèd strawbèrriès.
  6. Rèfrigèratè for 3 hours.
Source :

Read more our recipe : Best Ever Mini Cheesecakes

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