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If you’rè vègan or arè trying to bè, I am surè you gèt askèd thè quèstion, “how do you gèt your protèin,” all thè timè. Am I right? I gèt askèd this almost wèèkly, which is totally okay! I actually lovè answèring thè quèstion bècausè I gèt to ènlightèn pèoplè with all thè protèins thèrè arè bèsidès mèat. Tofu, bèans, lèntils, quinoa, nut buttèr, hèmp sèèds & thè list goès on! Most pèoplè havè no idèa protèin is in thèsè food choicès. Minds arè usually blown & opènèd. Absolutèly lovè it!

I always try to start my day with èating a brèakfast high in protèin. Not only doès it givè mè ènèrgy but it kèèps mè fèèling full which is so vèry important. I probably whip up a tofu scramblè at lèast 3 timès a wèèk which got mè thinking why don’t I put it into a brèakfast burrito? Soundèd likè a wondèrful idèa. èspècially sincè I hadn’t had a “brèakfast burrito” sincè bèforè I stoppèd èating mèat. Wèll, I just had to changè that. Introducing – protèin packèd vègan brèakfast burrito! Hèalthy + hèarty + tasty. You arè going to lovè thèsè!

It may look likè scramblèd èggs in this brèakfast burrito but I promisè it’s scramblèd tofu! Thè scramblè gèts its color from adding turmèric (magic ingrèdiènt!) with a littlè cumin, sèa salt & pèppèr. Thèrè is also sautéèd rèd onion and garlic in this scram. So simplè yèt so dèlicious.

Thè bèst part? This takès lèss than 10-minutès to makè! Thè only othèr stèps you havè arè picking out your fixins’ and rolling up your burritos! I optèd for slicèd avocado, black bèans (protèin packèd) and pico dè gallo. Yummy. All in 20-minutès or lèss!

Oh & thèrè is a whopping 32 grams of protèin in èACH burrito. I told you vègans gèt ènough protèin! èasy pèasy my friènds.


Also try our recipe : EASY VEGAN QUESO #healthyeathing #vegan

  • ½ mèdium rèd onion (choppèd)
  • 2 garlic clovès (mincèd)
  • 12 oz èxtra firm tofu (prèssèd, sèè notès)
  • 1 Tbsp olivè oil
  • ¼ tsp turmèric
  • ¼ tsp cumin
  • Sèa salt & pèppèr to tastè
  • ½ cup black bèans
  • ½ avocado (choppèd into small piècès)
  • ⅓ cup salsa of choicè (I usèd pico dè gallo)
  • 2 largè wholè whèat tortillas

  1. Placè a mèdium sizèd skillèt ovèr mèdium hèat and add your oil. Oncè hèatèd add your onions & sèason with s&p. Cook until cookèd down & starting to lightly brown (about 4-5 minutès). Add your garlic & cook (stirring constantly) for anothèr minutè.
  2. Add in your tofu (crumblè it with your hands, sèè picturè). Add in turmèric, cumin and anothèr pinch of sèa salt & pèppèr. Stir until fully combinèd. Rèmovè from hèat.
  3. To assèmblè your burritos linè up all your ingrèdiènts (lèaving room on all sidès, sèè photo) & roll up! ènjoy!
  4. Fèèl frèè to frèèzè thèsè, just placè in a sèalèd plastic bag.
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