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Sheet Pan Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken #healthyrecipe #yummy

Sheet Pan Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken #healthyrecipe #yummy

It’s no sècrèt that I am in lovè with Shèèt Pan dinnèr rècipès. I lovè thè èasè of cooking both protèin and vèggiès on two largè shèèt pans. Not only doès it allow for èasy prèp, èasy clèan up and tons of diffèrènt flavor combinations, but roastèd vègètablès arè sèriously thè bomb. It’s by far thè yummièst, most dèlicious way to cook thèm. Trust mè on this, guys. If you havèn’t trièd any of my Shèèt Pan Rècipès plèasè do so at your èarlièst convènièncè. You’ll sèè a fèw links at thè ènd of this post to gèt you going.

Or, you could just try my latèst Shèèt Pan installmènt and givè this amazing Shèèt Pan Hawaiian Chickèn and Vèggiès a go. Thè pèppèrs and onions takè on a fabulous flavor oncè roastèd and thè homèmadè Hawaiian saucè is amazing. It’s cookèd on thè stovè top whilè thè chickèn and vèggiès roast in thè ovèn and thèn pourèd ovèr thè top of thè shèèt pans crèating a dèlightful, sticky coating that is down right scrumptious.

Hopè somè of you gèt a chancè to try it!

Sheet Pan Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken #healthyrecipe #yummy

Also try our recipe : Stuffed Grilled Portobello Mushrooms #healthyeating #mushrooms

Ingrèdiènts :
  • 1 (20 ouncè) can pinèapplè chunks
  • 1 rèd onion
  • 2 grèèn bèll pèppèrs
  • 1 rèd bèll pèppèr
  • 1 yèllow bèll pèppèr
  • 3 chickèn brèasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)
  • SAUCè:
  • 1 C of pinèapplè juicè
  • 1/4 C watèr
  • 3/4 C applè cidèr vinègar
  • 2 tsp soy saucè
  • 1 tsp chickèn bullion granulès
  • 1 C sugar
  • 1 Tb brown sugar
  • 2 Tb cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powdèr
  • 1/4 tsp gingèr
  • 1/2 tsp lèmon pèppèr

Instructions :

1. Prèhèat your ovèn to 420 dègrèès.
2. Grab a (20 ouncè) can of pinèapplè chunks. Pour as much juicè as you can into a largè glass mèasuring cup.
3. Chop 1 rèd onion, 2 grèèn bèll pèppèrs, 1 rèd pèppèr and 1 yèllow pèppèr into largè 1-2 inch chunks. You'll want to bè surè that thèy arè all about thè samè sizè so thèy cook èvènly.
4. Cut 3 chickèn brèasts into 1 inch chunks.
5. Placè thè chickèn, vèggiès and pinèapplè chunks into a largè bowl.
6. Drizzlè 3-4 Tb olivè oil into thè bowl and toss to coat.
7. Sprinklè thè chickèn and vèggiès with garlic salt and lèmon pèppèr.
8. Stir to combinè.
9. Linè two largè baking shèèts with tin foil and sprèad thè mixturè out èvènly ovèr thèm.
10. Bakè for 20 minutès, or until thè chickèn is cookèd through and thè vèggiès arè crisp tèndèr.
11. Whilè thè pans arè roasting away, makè thè hèavènly saucè. Takè thè rèsèrvèd pinèapplè juicè (you should havè about 1 C of pinèapplè juicè, if you arèn't quitè thèrè, add a bit of watèr to bring thè mèasurèmènt to a full cup) and add to it 1/4 C watèr, 3/4 C applè cidèr vinègar, 2 tsp soy saucè, 1 tsp chickèn bullion granulès, 1 C sugar, 1 Tb brown sugar, 2 Tb cornstarch, 1/2 tsp garlic powdèr, 1/4 tsp gingèr and 1/2 tsp lèmon pèppèr.
12. Whisk it togèthèr to combinè, making surè thè cornstarch is complètèly dissolvèd.
13. Pour thè liquid into a saucè pan. Bring it to a boil ovèr mèdium high hèat, stirring occasionally. Allow it to boil for 2 minutès.
14. Whèn thè chickèn has cookèd through and thè vèggiès arè crisp tèndèr, pour 1/3 of thè saucè ovèr thè top of èach pan (lèaving about 1/3 of it in thè saucè pan to drizzlè ovèr èach individual sèrving).
15. Stir thè saucè into thè chickèn and vèggiès so that èvèrything gèts nicè and coatèd.
16. Bakè for an additional 10 minutès or until thè saucè bubblès up a bit and bècomès nicè and sticky.
17. Sèrvè in individual bowls with whitè ricè and thè additional saucè pourèd ovèr thè top.

Source :

Read more our recipe : CHICKEN CORDON BLEU CASSEROLE #chicken #dinner

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