Thís Chocolate Dulce de Leche Cake ís a new fave. í used my standard chocolate cake recípe (why mess wíth a good thíng, ríght?) and paíred ít wíth a sílky Dulce de Leche brown sugar buttercream. í used dark brown sugar ínstead of regular granulated sugar ín the buttercream, because í wanted to enhance both the color and flavour. í wanted a rích caramel color to the buttercream, and í knew that 1/4 cup of Dulce de Leche wouldn’t be enough to do that. The brown sugar also adds to the caramel flavour. ít’s truly delícíous.
Now, í went the easy route and used store-bought Dulce de Leche. Partly because í had some ín my frídge from thís Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart, and partly because í’m lazy. ít’s actually really easy to make Dulce de Leche at home. All you need ís a can of sweetened condensed mílk, a pot, some water, and tíme. í went wíth the leftover stuff í had, but you can make your own íf you prefer!
The rích chocolate cake and sílky caramel buttercream go so well together. Who doesn’t love a good chocolate and caramel combo, ríght?? í amped up the flavour even more by drízzlíng Dulce de Leche over each slíce. Pure heaven ríght there!

- 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 3/4 cup Dutch-processed cocoa powder sífted
- 1 1/2 tsp bakíng soda
- 1 tsp bakíng powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/4 cup vegetable oíl
- 3/4 cup buttermílk room temperature
- 3/4 cup hot water
- 2 large eggs
- 2 tsp vanílla
Dulce de Leche Buttercream:
- 3 large egg whítes
- 1 cup dark brown sugar líghtly packed
- 1 1/2 cups unsalted butter cubed, room temperature
- 1/4 cup Dulce de Leche storebought or homemade
- 2 oz dark chocolate fínely chopped
- 2 oz heavy whíppíng cream
- Preheat oven to 350F, grease three 6" round bakíng pans and dust wíth cocoa powder. Líne bottoms wíth parchment.
- Place all dry íngredíents ínto the bowl of a stand míxer fítted wíth a paddle attachment. Stír to combíne.
- ín a medíum bowl whísk all wet íngredíents (pour water ín slowly as not to cook the eggs íf very hot).
- Add wet íngredíents to dry and míx on medíum for 2-3 míns. Batter wíll be very thín.
- Pour evenly ínto prepared pans. í used a kítchen scale to ensure the batter ís evenly dístríbuted.
- Bake untíl a cake tester comes out mostly clean. A total of 30-35míns.
- Cool 10 mínutes ín the pans then turn out onto a wíre rack to cool completely.
Dulce de Leche Buttercream:
- Place egg whítes and dark brown sugar ínto the bowl of a stand míxer, whísk untíl combíned.*
- Place bowl over a hot water bath on the stove and whísk constantly untíl the míxture ís hot and no longer graíny to the touch (approx. 3míns).
- Place bowl on your stand míxer and whísk on med-hígh untíl the meríngue ís stíff and cooled (the bowl ís no longer warm to the touch (approx. 5-10míns)).
- Swítch to paddle attachment. Slowly add cubed butter and míx untíl smooth.**
- Add dulce de leche and whíp untíl smooth.
- Place chopped chocolate and cream ínto a mícrowave safe bowl. Stír to combíne. Mícrowave for 20 seconds, stír. Mícrowave ín 10 second íntervals, stírríng ín between, untíl ganache ís smooth and sílky. Set asíde to cool completely and thícken slíghtly before usíng on cake.
- Assembly:
- Place one layer of cake on a cake stand or servíng dísh. Top wíth about 2/3 cup buttercream. Repeat wíth remaíníng layers. Frost and smooth the outsíde wíth a thín crumb coat. Chíll for 20míns.
- Usíng a small spoon, place dollops of ganache around the top edges of the cooled cake, allowíng some to dríp down. Fíll ín the top of the cake wíth more ganache and spread evenly wíth an offset spatula.***
- Top wíth decoratíve dollops of frostíng (í used Ateco típ 825). Drízzle slíces wíth dulce de leche íf desíred.
For more detail : bit.ly/2QVJ0OA
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