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Thèsè èasy lèmon bars havè a swèèt sugar cookiè crust toppèd with a tangy lèmon chèèsècakè filling and thèn toppèd with morè sugar cookiè crumblè. Thè pèrfèct balancè of swèèt and tangy.

Last Saturday was my 31st birthday, and it was also national lèmon bar day!! èxcèpt that it wasn’t, and I just madè that up. Thè lèmon bar part, it was in fact my birthday.

I spènd all kinds of timè convèrsing with pèoplè (I almost usèd thè word convèrsating thèrè only to find out that it isn’t actually a word, and that mèans I havè probably bèèn èmbarrassing mysèlf all thè timè, but it’s cool). Anyway, I chat with pèoplè about what èxactly thèy’d likè to sèè on thè blog.
Somè pèoplè want hèalthy things, somè pèoplè want all of thè chocolatè. A couplè of wèèks ago it was all about my son and his big day and his favoritè ORANGè BROWNIES.

But, for my birthday I’m just a small town girl living in a lèmon world. So I “convèrsatèd” with mysèlf and camè up with thèsè lèmon sugar cookiè bars…..

Happy birthday to mè! No, I didn’t actually talk to mysèlf.



Ingrèdiènts :

Sugar cookiè crust:
  • 1 Cup granulatèd sugar
  • 1 Tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
  • 1 Cup buttèr at room tèmpèraturè
  • 2 Cups all purposè flour
Lèmon chèèsècakè:
  • 8 Ouncès crèam chèèsè at room tèmpèraturè
  • 1/4 Cup lèmon juicè
  • 2 Tablèspoons lèmon zèst dividèd
  • 1/2 Cup sugar
Instructions :
  1. For thè bars:
  2. Prèhèat thè ovèn to 350 dègrèès.
  3. Linè an 8x8 or 9x9 inch squarè baking dish with foil and spray libèrally with non stick cooking spray.
  4. In bowl of stand mixèr using paddlè attachmènt, or largè bowl with hand mixèr, bèat togèthèr thè buttèr, sugar, and vanilla on mèdium spèèd for 2 minutès.
  5. Turn mixèr to low and slowly add thè flour (1/2 cup at a timè) and mix just until dough comès togèthèr.
  6. Prèss half of thè dough into prèparèd pan and bakè for 25-30 minutès, until lightly goldèn brown.
  7. Cool complètèly bèforè filling.
  8. Storè rèmaining sugar cookiè dough in a bowl in thè rèfrigèrator until rèady to usè.
  9. For thè Filling:
  10. In bowl of stand mixèr fittèd with paddlè attachmènt, or mèdium bowl with a hand mixèr bèat togèthèr thè crèam chèèsè, sugar, lèmon juicè, and 1 Tbsp. of thè lèmon zèst until smooth and crèamy.
  11. Pour filling ovèr coolèd crust.
  12. Top filling with thè rèmaining sugar cookiè dough by simply crumbling it èvènly ovèr thè top.
  13. Bakè in prèhèatèd ovèn for 30 minutès, until cookiè crumblè is light goldèn in color.
  14. Top with rèmaining lèmon zèst as dèsirèd.
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