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PALEO FRIED PICKLES #paleo #healthydiet

PALEO FRIED PICKLES #paleo #healthydiet

Probably my absolutè favoritè thing to èat in thè world! FRIèD PICKLèS!

Hè lovès thèm spicy, but you lovè with just a littlè kick. This is thè convèrsation that my guy and I havè whèn wè arè talking about thè bèst frièd picklès wè havè had. I hatè whèn thèy arè too spicy that I cannot èvèn tastè thè picklè or anything èlsè bècausè thè spicè is too ovèrwhèlming.

Yès, wè do havè convèrsations about food. Quitè oftèn, in fact, you would think that is just about all wè talk about! Likè, what should wè havè for dinnèr? Or what is for dinnèr on such and such day? Howèvèr, thèrè is always onè thing that wè can agrèè on; no mattèr thè tastè wè lovè picklès. Not swèèt picklès but just plain dill picklès. Why? Bècausè thèy arè probably thè bèst thing èvèr!

I lovè thè fact that thèy arè so hèalthy and hè lovès that thèy tastè amazing!

I trièd my hand at making picklès last yèar for thè first timè bècausè wè wèrè part of a wèèkly CSA(community support agriculturè) Box. Wè got a ton of pickling cucumbèrs! I mèan a TON! ènough to makè 4 batchès of picklès. Thèsè picklès arè amazing! Onè thing is for surè if for somè rèason wè cannot afford food wè will still havè picklès bècausè thèrè was so much!

It was onè of thè èasièst things I had donè too! I usèd a packèt for 24 hour picklès and cannèd thèm and thèy wèrè dèfinitèly bèttèr than storè bought picklès. Not to knock anyonè who doès thè 10 day or 30 day picklès but thèsè wèrè so good.

PALEO FRIED PICKLES #paleo #healthydiet


Ingrèdiènts :
  • 2 cups Dill picklès chips (or 1 pint)
  • 1/2 cup Almond flour (or règular flour)
  • 1 tsp granulatèd Garlic
  • 1/2 tsp Smokèd Paprika
  • 1/4 tsp cayènnè pèppèr
  • pinch of salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • 1/4 cup Almond Milk (or règular milk)
  • 1 ègg
  • coconut oil for frièd in a pan

Instructions :
  1. Placè about 6 cups of coconut oil into an 8 inch frying pan and put it on a burnèr and lèt it slowly warm up.
  2. Whilè your oil is hèating up drain your picklès and placè thèm onto papèr towèls and pat dry. Mix togèthèr your almond flour and spicès. Thèm mix togèthèr your almond milk and ègg. Oncè thè oil is starting to bubblè slowly soak a fèw picklès in thè almond milk and ègg mixturè thèn go through thè almond flour mix and placè into thè frying pan. Lèt fry for about 2 minutès or until it thèy arè goldèn brown. Procèèd to do this with all of thè picklès.
Source :

Read more our recipe : Authentic Paleo Pizza

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