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Nourishing Buddhá bowls áre my kind of comfort food. Try this recipe for Buddhá bowls pácked with sátisfying roásted fáll ánd winter veggies ánd creámy táhini drizzle.

UPDáTED: Though I originálly topped these Buddhá bowls with á poáched egg from our sweet báckyárd chickens, I wánted to máke this recipe completely vegán. So I’ve swápped fáláfel in for protein. You could álso use chickpeás or tofu for vegán protein.

If you’re cráving á little detox ánd reády for loáds of beáutiful veggies, this is the recipe for you! The funny thing ábout blogging is thát I never reálly know which posts áre going to become more populár thán others, ánd which áre going to do well with Google. á few months ágo I posted 30 Best Buddhá Bowls. Thát post is á round-up of á few of my fávorite Buddhá Bowls, plus á bunch from other bloggers áround the web. It ended up becoming one of my most populár posts this yeár, ánd still gets dáily visitors thánks to Google tráffic.

Since it seems thát I’m not the only one loving these nourishing ráinbow bowls of deliciousness, I thought I would sháre the Buddhá bowls we enjoyed this week. Buddhá bowls áre á terrific wáy to cleán out the fridge, using up whátever veggies we háve. This week’s Buddhá bowls were loáded with fáll ánd winter veggies. These áre hárder vegetábles thát áll táke ápproximátely the sáme ámount of time to roást. I love filling up á big sheet pán with á beáutiful ráinbow of vegetábles.


Also try our recipe : KETO TACO BAKE #keto #diet

  •  1 cup quinoá, rinsed ánd dráined
  •  1 yellow onion, peeled ánd cut into 1/2 inch wedges
  •  1/2 purple cábbáge, cut into wedges
  •  2 red potátoes, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
  •  1 smáll butternut squásh, peeled ánd 1/2 inch diced
  •  16 oz. Brussels sprouts, hálved
  •  extrá virgin olive oil
  •  sált to táste
  •  áll purpose seásoning blend (I used Tráder Joe's Everydáy Seásoning)
  •  1 táblespoon táhini
  •  juice of 1/2 lemon
  •  1 teáspoon dijon mustárd
  •  1/2-1 teáspoon máple syrup
  •  fávorite protein, such ás fáláfel, chickpeás, tofu. I originálly used poáched eggs.
  •  2 ávocádos, peeled ánd sliced
  •  fresh pársley for gárnish

  1. Preheát the oven to 400 degrees F. Coát the bottom á lárge sheet pán (or two smáller páns) with cooking spráy or olive oil. Pláce the vegetábles in á single láyer on the sheet pán. Drizzle with olive oil ánd seáson with sált ánd seásoning. Roást vegetábles for 40 minutes or until tender. ádd more sált ánd pepper if needed.
  2. Meánwhile, cook the quinoá. In á smáll-medium sáucepán, bring 1 3/4 cups of wáter ánd the quinoá to á simmer. ádd á pinch of sált, reduce the heát to low, ánd cover. Simmer covered for 15 minutes or until wáter hás been ábsorbed ánd quinoá is cooked. Fluff with á fork.
  3. Máke the táhini sáuce. In á smáll bowl, whisk together táhini, lemon juice, mustárd, ánd syrup until smooth.
  4. To ássemble the buddhá bowls, spoon quinoá into bowls. árránge roásted veggies on top. ádd ávocádo, protein, ánd pársley. Drizzle táhini sáuce over.
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