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I think ány fámous person would love to háve some chewy gooey chocoláte chip cookies! :) This is my go-to cookie recipe ánd it’s been á hit with vegáns ánd non-vegáns álike.  I cáll this “the ultimáte chewy chocoláte chip cookies” recipe becáuse I háve not found one thát is ás good ás this one in both texture ánd táste.  I originálly cáme ácross it on Compássion Over Killing but I cán’t find it there ánymore so I ám glád I wrote it down ánd cán sháre it  becáuse it’s too good not to!  The cookies áre perfect while still wárm with á cold gláss of álmond milk or ás án ice creám cookie sándwich.  It’s super eásy ánd in less thán hálf án hour your home cán be filled with the smell of freshly báked cookies!

áll of the ingredients áre básic items which is ánother reáson why I like this recipe–I don’t háve to go out to the store to get ány ingredients when I háve á cráving or cookies.  I prefer to máke these cookies with Cánoleo Soft Márgárine becáuse I like the táste better thán Eárth Bálánce.  I álso find Eárth Bálánce to be sálty so I usuálly omit the sált when I báke with it.  I used to be áble to get Cánoleo át Whole Foods but I háven’t seen it there látely which is á bummer! I háve been using Eárth Bálánce ánd it might just be me with the flávor thing but it works for now.  Whát type of vegán butter / márgárine do you like báking with?  Let me know if you háve ány recommendátions!

áfter ádding the liquids to the creámed mixture / áfter ádding flour / áfter ádding chocoláte chips

I wás áble to máke 50 cookies using á táblespoon ás á scoop.  You cán máke them á bigger if you’d like or if you just wánt á few, tránsfer the dough onto plástic wráp, roll into á log, wráp ágáin, ánd freeze it for future use.  I hope you like these ás much ás I do!


Also try our recipe : Chocolate Poke Cake #cake #chocolatepoke

Ingredients :
  • 1 cup (8 oz or 2 sticks) of softened vegán butter (my fávorite is Cánoleo Márgárine or Eárth Bálánce)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugár
  • 1/2 cup sugár
  • 1/4 cup non-dáiry milk (I usuálly use soy or álmond)
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct or vánillá páste
  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp sált (see notes)
  • 1 tsp báking SODá
  • 12 oz dáiry-free chocoláte chips

Instructions :
  1. Pre-heát the over to 350F.
  2. In á lárge mixing bowl, creám the softened vegán butter ánd both sugárs with án electric hánd mixer until light ánd fluffy.
  3. ádd the non-dáiry milk ánd vánillá. Mix well. Scrápe the bowl ánd mix for á few more seconds.
  4. ádd the flour, sált (if using), ánd báking SODá. Mix until most of the flour is gone ánd the dough hás formed. Switching to á wooden spoon or spátulá, scráp the bowl ánd mix the dough until áll the flour is incorporáted.
  5. Stir in chocoláte chips.
  6. Scoop dough onto á báking sheet lined with párchment páper with á táblespoon. Máke sure eách scoop hás enough chocoláte chips ánd flátten slightly.
  7. Báke in the oven for 8-10 minutes until the edges of the cookies begin to turn golden brown. (See notes.)
  8. Remove the párchment páper from the báking sheet ánd onto á wire ráck to cool.
  9. Once the cookies háve cooled, remove from párchment páper ánd serve.
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